Roast Garlicky Butternut Squash with Chicken and Wheat Pasta

Roast Garlicky Butternut Squash with Chicken and Wheat Pasta
Roast Garlicky Butternut Squash with Chicken and Wheat Pasta is my new social media addiction. It’s not quite as addictive as Twitter or Facebook, but its slowly gaining popularity. Similar to my early experiences of using Twitter, it was quite boring. Now, I’m beginning to follow relevant people or organizations, such as Newsweek, NPR, and so forth. There are a few food blogs of interest. Last November, someone, who I wish to remember his or her name, recommended a book, The Gastronomy of Marriage by Michelle Maisto, who is a food blogger at The Market The title sounds like an Italian Renaissance painting. The beauty is in the writing. To some, whose attention span is on par with today’s pop culture of instant trends coming and going in millisecond timeframes, Ms. Maisto is a relaxing read. Read more

Sage Butternut and Apple Soup

Sage Butternut Apple Soup with Fig Vinegar
Sage Butternut Apple Soup with Fig Vinegar

Serena, of the food blog, Serious Soupy, requested a guest post about soup. Her timing couldn’t have been better, for a Sage Butternut Apple Soup was part of the weekly menu. It’s an experimental soup, for the results were savory and sweet. Her food blog is dedicated to the namesake, soups. The recipes and advice are resourceful and inspiring. Are you curious about the Sage Butternut Apple Soup?

Note: Seriously Soupy is no longer available.

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Butternut Ravioli with Shrimp and Ginger Sauce

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Shrimp and Ginger Sauce

Butternut Ravioli with Shrimp and Ginger Sauce
Butternut Ravioli with Shrimp and Ginger Sauce

It was an auspicious Saturday. The MTA had passengers transferring between local and express train lines because of repairs. Once in Brooklyn, I was relieved to finally be en route home. Then, the conductor played the last trick. The train was skipping a few stops, including my destination. I had to walk down a few flights of stairs to board another train. As the next train came to a stop, a striking man would notice me wearing a yellow halter dress. “Beautiful,” he thought. I took a seat in a separate car, unaware of his interest. Peering into the window, I saw the same man that had observe me a few minutes prior. At our destination, we exited onto the platform at the same time. Similar to a screenplay and cliché as it may seem, we saw each other at the same time. It’s one of those moments when other people move in a slow blur. “I’m going to love this man,” I thought. We slowly walked up the stairs, but our distance from each other was a few feet. I would frequently turn around to meet his intense stare. He’ll later joke with friends and family about his initial thoughts of me, “Hold on, baby… I’m coming.” Once outside, he gently tapped my shoulder to politely say, “Excuse me…” We walked through a park to talk about life. Then, he placed a right hand to his chest to say, “My heart… you’re different… my heart feels warm.” Read more