What’s your coldest, Winter memory? I’ll answer first. It was a brain-freeze type of cold day. A thick pea coat covered layers of clothes and a wooly sweater. No one could tell I wore a few socks underneath a pair of bright yellow rain boots. The winds pierced through layers of clothes to chill my back. Fingers underneath my gloves froze numb. Large, billowy snowflakes floated swiftly to the ground. The snow was piled one to two feet deep, and there was slippery ice everywhere. Then a child is seen walking in my direction. She’s happily skipping in this frigid, cold weather, while licking an ice cream cone. The mother is walking behind the child. She sees a perplexed, astonished look on my face. She shrugs her shoulders to communicate, “I know, I know… my child is strange…right?” We warmly pass each other, smiling and giggling. Read more