Hummingbird Cake

Hummingbird Cake with Mascarpone Frosting

Hummingbird Cake

I remember the first time seeing a moist three-layered cake flavored with juicy pineapples and bananas with rich cream cheese frosting elegantly displayed in a glass cake dish of my childhood home. Since then, a few slices have been enjoyed, but few people know about the ‘Other Great Southern Dessert,’ Hummingbird Cake. Red Velvet cake receives more attention. I’m hoping this little food blog can start another food trend.  Read more

Appetizing Events: Mascarpone Ice Cream with Green & Black’s Organic Espresso Chocolate Shavings

Mascarpone Ice Cream with Espresso Chocolate Shavings

It was truly an eventful week leading to the busiest busy day of them all. Perhaps, I overextend myself, but who can decline an invitation to Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate and Wine tasting? However, on the day of the event, another important project was due at 6:00 p.m. sharp. The day was double-booked, but the project was completed and delivered at 5:45 p.m. The tasting started at 6:00 p.m. For a brief moment, I considered not showing up, but after a busy week, I knew this was a treat that should not be missed. Read more