Dear My Life Runs On Food’s loyal audience, this message short and sweet: Over the next few weeks, we’re moving into a new apartment, and there are other factors in my life demanding more attention over the next several months. My heart is heavy at life’s setbacks demanding I pause this project. However, I’m frequently on social media, especially on Instagram @SanuraJamila.
Seeds of Hope
Another season has come and gone. And, spring started with a flurry of snowflakes that gifted me a snow day from work. It was an opportunity to get ahead of work deadlines. Instead, I slept in late, made a late breakfast and an early dinner was served. Against a bright snowy day, during an early evening hour, I sat down to work pass sunset. The snow continued to fall as if winter decided to catch up from the lack of snow days in New York City this year. The second day of spring was a warm winter-type of day, in which purple crocuses bravely grew in patches of snow as fresh grass with daffodil and tulips leaves continue to grow from bulbs planted two seasons ago.
I See You
You’re underpaid.
Double shifts for cash
under the table.
Living with too many people.
But, they’re family.
The space is small.
The landlord only speaks rent.
Take the Bitter with the Sweet
My new year didn’t start with nibbling or slurping leaves. I’m going for the comfort food with a wicked twist: Tahini Banana Bread. It has carbs. It’s nutty. It’s not gluten-free. It’s made with cow-milk, rich butter. And, it’s sugary. The new year needs to start on a happy note.
The Neighbor with the Fig Tree

We once had a kind neighbor who planted a fig tree on the side of their house. They were great cooks. They would share homemade pita bread, and they gave Dad a large cooler of lobsters when they returned from a trip to Maine. When we first moved into our house, they shared tips on landscaping our front yard. After-school, my sister and I would accidentally leave our house keys at home, and we would stay at their house until our parents came home. The smell of their evening dinner was enticing.
They were generous. And, they broke our hearts when they moved away without telling anyone where they were going. No one in the neighborhood had any problems or disagreements with them. We woke up one morning to discover they had disappeared. All that was left was their fig tree and a beautiful yard.
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