Another season has come and gone. And, spring started with a flurry of snowflakes that gifted me a snow day from work. It was an opportunity to get ahead of work deadlines. Instead, I slept in late, made a late breakfast and an early dinner was served. Against a bright snowy day, during an early evening hour, I sat down to work pass sunset. The snow continued to fall as if winter decided to catch up from the lack of snow days in New York City this year. The second day of spring was a warm winter-type of day, in which purple crocuses bravely grew in patches of snow as fresh grass with daffodil and tulips leaves continue to grow from bulbs planted two seasons ago.
I See You
You’re underpaid.
Double shifts for cash
under the table.
Living with too many people.
But, they’re family.
The space is small.
The landlord only speaks rent.
The Art of Doing Nothing
Earlier this year, I started saying no. No to promoting food-related gadgets, because I live in a New York small apartment with limited storage. No to promoting food samples, because the pay isn’t great and the contests aren’t worth my time. No to writing reviews for below-average cookbooks, because the pay isn’t great. No to freelance design, because I design full-time during the weekday. No to doing more social media, because it’s time consuming. No to special theme Saturday brunches requiring me to discard the one day a week of sleeping in without an alarm clock. And, no to developing an editorial calendar for this food blog. I’m doing nothing with my extra time, and it feels good to be too selfish.
Recovering Night Owl
There’s less inspiration to writing a food blog, and there is a good reason. It isn’t because there’s less cooking. Instead, I’m in bed at an earlier hour, which affects the flow of creative ideas.
#SmoothieNumbers 21: Fig and Coconut Milk
#SmoothieNumbers are quick recipes sans the story for making refreshing drinks in a blender. No expensive juicer is needed, and greens are for salads. Read more