While my mother is visiting relatives in California, I tried calling her cell phone, but she didn’t answer. The second attempt was successful by calling my grandmother’s house directly. It was my aunt who picked up the phone. She’s made for hilarious conversations. She brought dinner from a Chinese restaurant, in which my mother claimed she wasn’t going to eat. I know that type of response, because I’m her daughter. We both don’t crave Chinese take-out meals. However, eventual hunger wins as we scoop whatever fried, high-fructose corn derivative and artificial flavoring concoction that is only served outside of Asia, onto our plates.
Mom asked what I was making for dinner, in which I told her coleslaw and seared scallops. Like most mothers who know their daughters, curiously she questioned my dislike for coleslaw. It’s true, I don’t like it. Neither does the boyfriend. When I served it for dinner, he hesitated for a millimeter of a second. That quick moment of hesitation is a rare occurrence, because instant memories of eating coleslaw from a popular fast-food, fried chicken business serving their gooey, bland version flashed in his head. My coleslaw memory was of my father’s traditional mayonnaise-based version. It’s tasty, but I didn’t crave it. Our memories of coleslaw are of bad taste.

The Zucchini Fennel Cole Slaw version is a yogurt, lemon-based flavor. The surprise taste are the crunchy, anise fennel slices. The zucchini is softer and mild. Lightly seasoned, seared scallops was served with this salad, and their sea-worthy sweetness complimented the salad well. After the boyfriend’s historic brief hesitation, he tasted a mouthful of coleslaw. “Not bad…,” he replied. He commenced to his regular pattern of eating non-stop. A good sign he likes it. Now, my coleslaw is the only version we prefer.
If you don’t like coleslaw either, give it another chance by making this version. Mom requested this version to be sent to Dad, too. After saying our “I love yous” and “good-byes,” Mom joined my Aunt for their Chinese take-out dinner.
Zucchini-Fennel Slaw

1/8 cup Greek yogurt; plain and unsweetened
The juice of one lemon
chives; roughly chopped
Salt and fresh pepper; to taste
1 tsp. grainy mustard
1/8 tsp. crushed red pepper; to taste
1/8 cup olive oil
2 to 3 tbsp. white balsamic vinegar
2 cups zucchini; grated*
1 cup carrots; peeled and grated
1 fennel bulb; sliced very thin
1. Whisk first eight ingredients together to make the dressing.
2. Place the vegetables in a large bowl.
3. Pour the dressing over the vegetables and lightly toss together. Let marinate for at least one hour.
4. Enjoy.
*Note: Deliberately pour salt onto the grated zucchini. Let sit for at least 30 minutes to draw out the water. Rinse salt off throughly and squeeze as much water out. It will be appear soft and watery, but it okay. Just continue squeeze water out.
Zucchini-Fennel Slaw adapted from epicurious.com/Gourmet July 2009 by Melissa Roberts.
I dont normally like coleslaw but this has me interested…nice.