Blackeye Pea and Kale Salad with Chickpea Dressing

Black-eye Pea and Kale Salad with Chickpea Vinaigrette

We went dessert crazy at Thanksgiving. The Holiday office party served extra sweets and more weight was gained. There was plenty of champagne on New Year’s Eve, and we woke up to the realization that the dried black-eye peas weren’t soaking. A crazy dash for the grocery store was made for collard greens, and the produce shelves were bare. If Southern tradition of eating black-eye peas and collard greens are strictly followed to bring good luck, a dismal year could happen.  Read more

Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa

Black-eye Pea and Wild Brown Rice Risotto, Seared Baby Lamb Chops and Saute Swiss Chard

Twas the eve of Kwanzaa, and all through our house, we will rest in peace after unwrapping Christmas gifts with glee. This year, my household of two starts a new tradition of celebrating Kwanzaa. Our Christmas tree is brought mere days from the 25th. I want it to stay fresh into the New Year when we celebrate the last principle, Imani. It’ll be our Kwanzaa Christmas tree.  Read more

2010 New Year’s Dinner for Two: Roast Chicken and Root Vegetables, Brazilian Collard Greens and Black-Eyed Peas over Brown Rice

Happy twenty-ten! My New Year’s meal was spent with good friends celebrating Kwanzaa while eating black-eyed peas mixed with couscous, collard greens, baked chicken, lasagna, and other delicious pot luck dishes. We started the evening by giving thanks to our ancestors (Ashay!) and honoring our community elder. Our hostess asked her guests to bring two pieces of fruit. We brought her a pineapple and a banana.

The next day, I slept in a few more extra hours and started making our New Year’s dinner: baked chicken with roasted root vegetables, black-eyed peas over brown rice, Brazilian collard greens, and a sparkling wine that was (…ahem) too sweet!

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