Asian-Inspired Cabbage and Carrot Salad with Peanuts

Asian Carrot Cabbage Salad with Peanuts
Asian Carrot Cabbage Salad with Peanuts

When a chicken was roasted on a hot day earlier this week, the planned side dish of sauté greens would’ve been overwhelming. Thanks to a weekly menu plan, Napa cabbage and carrots were shredded a few days prior. A quick vinaigrette of ginger, savory soy sauce, sweet lime juice and fresh lemon balm was tossed with the shredded vegetables. Like most large heads of cabbage, there was plenty of salad left over. It became another side dish that completed a fast and effortless weekday meal of saute fish. Read more

Amanda Walker, Owner of “A Perfume Organic” Talks Herbs, Scents and Food

A Perfume Organic: (from left to right) Urban Organic, Green, and Perfumed Wine, Rosé
A Perfume Organic: (from left to right) Urban Organic, Green, and Perfumed Wine, Rosé

Between inhaling Green, Urban Organic, Perfumed Wine–Rosé and White Magik, Amanda Walker, owner of A Perfume Organic, gently touched the leaves of her fresh herbal display. She had purple basil, Italian basil and mint in a small pot next to her perfumes. Explaining the various herbs and floral notes that are part of each scent, she also talked about food, the business of being organic and the environment. The discussion inspired an idea of asking her to participate in an email interview to further explain the connection of herbs, food and scents. Her answers are insightful, beautiful and educational. Read more

Love by Mail: Sweet Muse Brownies

Sweet Muse Brownies
Sweet Muse Brownies

The last time a package of cookies was delivered, it was for a dear friend who always listens to everyone’s problems. Perhaps, I was subconsciously thinking of her, when a quick batch of oatmeal cookies were made in a tiny dorm kitchen. When the cookies had cooled, they were packed, postmarked and dropped in the mail to be delivered to Boston. It was a pleasant break from my graduate work, and the deed was forgotten. A few days later, a call was received with my dear friend crying thank you. Apparently, the package arrived around her birthday and she was enduring a stressful period of a broke down car, job woes and roommate issues. The arrival of the cookies was her omen of best wishes that somewhere out in a crazy world, someone cares. It was a coincidence the package arrived in time, because her birthday wasn’t marked on my calendar. Since then, she has requested cookies to be delivered around her birthday every year. If time were available, her wish would be granted.

Laura Siner, the owner of Sweet Muse Brownies, has solved the dilemma. She bakes brownies and cookies to be shipped anywhere in the country or hand delivered in Manhattan, New York. My Sweet Muse package arrived on a Saturday morning. The landlord placed the package at the foot of the stairs leading to the apartment. After enduring a hard week and sleepless nights, it was a timely arrival. The rest of the weekend was spent working on projects. By Sunday evening, an award was deserved. A brown box wrapped in a red ribbon was removed from the post office package. Laura had written a note, “Hope you enjoy these brownies.” Untying the red ribbon, lifting the lid from the brown box and then removing the cellophane from the brownies, a quote at the base of the brownie appeared on a red rectangular paper.

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Turkey Empanadas Served with Mango Tomato Salsa over Brown Rice and Black Beans

Turkey Empanadas
Turkey Empanadas

Black, rounded, sans-serif characters spell out the title, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. A medium image of a single, red splattered drip in the shape of a bird’s wing protruding out of a young boy’s profile is easy to recognize because of the book’s popularity. A few years ago, every reader on the subway train was engulfed in this Pulitzer Prize book by Junot Diaz. The novel is about a Dominican family’s immigration experience via generations. An intriguing story, it has the adult cartoons, bad boyfriends, childhood memories, teenage love stories, lecherous dictators, college drama, the Dominican Republic’s 20th century history and a nerd boy descended from a curse many times evil because of the sincere actions of his grandfather. A friend, Danny Rodriguez, wrote a serious book review on his blog, The Cultural Critic Who Carries a Kampilan….

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