Peach Salsa Spaghetti and Seared Scallops

Peach Salsa Spaghetti with Seared Scallops

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of spending time with a few kids. They proudly bragged how they’re served exactly four servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Are meals supposed to be a mathematical equation? These days the government is promoting their new food plate of recommended proportions, dieters shout caloric numbers, and grams of sugar consumed are closely monitored. With today’s cuisines being precise and instant, we’ve lost touch with joyful eating. Read more

Say Goodbye to Summer with Honey Peach Ice Cream

Honey Peach Ice Cream

The last farmshare received only had peaches and eggs. Hurricane Irene destroyed our farmers’ crops in the Hudson Valley, and the government declared the surviving produce not fit for human or animal consumption. If you haven’t been to the farmer’s market in a while, right now is the best time to visit to show support. A few have recently returned to the market since the hurricane. How am I supporting our local farmers? As mentioned in the Fried Cornmeal Okra post, is part of The Northeast Organic Farming Association’s (NOFA) Locavore Challenge, for their goal is to sign up 5,000 people. It’s an educational challenge directly supporting our local food systems. Read more

Seared Tuna served with Black-eyed Peas and Peach Salad

Seared Tuna served with Black-eye Peas with Peach and Raw Grated Beet Salads
Seared Tuna served with Black-eye Peas with Peach and Raw Grated Beet Salads

The Seared Tuna with the Black-eyed Peas and Peach Salad was served a few weeks ago, when it was too hot to cook. As this post is being written, the weather is cooler. Clouds fill the sky. The ground is damp from last night’s rain. Do I crave this meal in cooler weather like this? Not quite, but I’m posting this meal regardless of the weather. It’s still summer. It’s the middle of August. I’m hoping for more hot days, even if fall is quite a few weeks away. Right now, I’m focusing on this beautiful weather, rain or shine. Peaches, plums, figs, nectarines are at their best this time of year. It’s a coincidence that these fruits pair well with cinnamon and nutmeg, too. Perhaps, they’re sweet fruits warming us into the fall. Read more