Can Spring Come to My Street?

Rhubarb Cornmeal Upside-Down Cake

Can sunny days sweep the clouds away on the way to where the air is sweet? I’m thinking about sunny days to the tune of Sesame Street’s theme song. The few warm days we’re granted this Spring are greeted with relief only to be disappointed with cooler days to follow. As May is coming to an end without a sign of consistent warm weather, at least rhubarb arrived on time for an upside-down cornmeal cake.  Read more

Cornbread Chili Pot Pie with Oregano Corn

Cornbread Chili Pot Pie with Oregano Corn

A season or two ago, Cornbread Chili Pot Pie was made with Oregano Corn as a side dish. Every time I tried to schedule it for publication, another recipe with an immediate seasonal ingredient became a priority. Slowly, it became a forgotten recipe, but it’s a lovely dish. When late autumn arrived, I looked at the recipe, and scheduled it for Superbowl season. Such a hearty recipe is better for extremely cold weather. How was I to know about this year’s unusually mild winter season? Read more

Orange Cornbread with Greek Yogurt and Blackberry Sauce

Orange Cornbread with Greek Yogurt and Blackberry Sauce
Buttermilk Cornbread with Greek Yogurt and Blackberry Sauce

The other day, a girlfriend and I were talking about cornbread. Northerns, influenced by a commercial brand, prefer cornbread to be a sweet cake. Southerns prefer their cornbread to be less sweet, and the further deep in the country one goes, the recipe doesn’t have sugar in it at all. It’s usually paired with collard greens that are naturally sweet from being picked after the first frost of the year. Growing up, I wasn’t partial to my father’s sugarless cornbread. The older I get, less sugar is added to my Buttermilk Cornbread recipe as well. To prove everyone’s taste is personal, apparently, the boyfriend wants more sugar in his slice. Damn, Yankee.

Cathy’s glazed cornbread recipe at is a sweet idea. She adds lemon flavors to make her version shine. Being influenced by her idea, the recipe is adjusted to a less sugary personal taste, and oranges replace the lemons. Instead of layering a sugary glaze, a dollop of Greek yogurt is substituted as a healthier option. It makes a lovely Saturday morning breakfast served with unsweetened red chai tea.

Recipe adapted from’s Lemon Cornmeal Cake with Lemon Glaze and Crushed-Blueberry Sauce recipe. She makes a sweeter version that’s delicious. Read more