Ice cream isn’t going to save the day. Fear of change won. Racism won. Anti-semitism won. Anti-immigration won. Sexism won. Anti-LGBTQ won. All the -isms in the world won. And, I have a right to be scared and will stay mad. When the conservative trend was noticed in Europe and Turkey earlier this year, it was a comforting thought that we in the United States were slowly moving in a positive direction. But, when the majority of people used voting booths — similar to how the Klu Klux Klan wear hoods — to vote for a racist candidate on Tuesday, I’m wondering who among my white friends, are truly my friend.
ice cream
Appetizing Events: The Taharka Brothers Summer Ice Cream, The CookUp, Takes the Take Cake

A few years ago, I wrote about the Taharka Brothers raising money for an ice cream truck in Baltimore, Maryland. Later, voted Taharka Brothers as one of Maryland’s best Ice Cream shops to visit. Since then they’ve received numerous local awards. A few years ago, I wrote about the Taharka Brothers raising money for an ice cream truck in Baltimore, Maryland. I continue to follow them online to stay up-to-date with their creative events. Their initial press release and story stood apart from everyone because of the name of their ice cream flavors. The names are inspired by Cornel West, Langston Hughes and August Wilson. And, my design eye love their brand image: an ice cream sundae on top of a fist pump as the arm uses political books as a foundation.
The Modern Travelers’ Green Zine’s Philly-Inspired Root Beer & Pretzel Float
Looking to escape your corner of the world, for a historic city whose bells toll the sound of freedom? Philadelphia is not just famous for the Liberty Bell and being America’s first capital. It’s also an historic culinary bastion for African-American chefs becoming successful entrepreneurs. After all, Philly is where George Washington’s favorite slave, Hercules, escaped as Washington was preparing to return to Mt. Vernon. And, despite Washington’s best efforts to recapture him, the city of Brotherly Love never returned Hercules.
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Salted Peanut Cookie and Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich

When Portia Walker, the Editor-in-Chief of She’s So New York, asked for a guest post about aphrodisiac foods, I knew peanuts would be the impromptu ingredient on an already planned menu that includes making strawberry ice cream.
» Visit her website to read the story!
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